What is Offered

Alexander P. Sah

Biologic injections are a non-surgical, drug-free, physician-directed and supervised treatment that reduces pain and inflammation from osteoarthritis. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) uses injections of a serum produced from a patient’s own blood. All-natural, and with no added pharmaceuticals or chemicals, the PRP injections are produced following a single blood draw. The blood is then processed on-site to produce a serum, rich with the anti-inflammatory Interleukin 1-Ra protein and naturally occurring growth factors, including PRP. The prepared product is then re-injected into the affected joint.  This procedure can be done in three weekly smaller injections, or as one larger volume blood draw and injection.

Tubes with blood separated for PRP

PRP for the knee

Preparing the PRP injection

PRP therapy treatment involves drawing the patient’s blood and processing it through a centrifuge to separate out, and concentrate, the platelet count. The platelet-rich plasma is then reinjected into the patient at the injured area. It is a safe and effective procedure and rarely has side effects, which is partly why it is becoming more commonly used. The entire injection process takes less than 30 minutes.  Dr. Sah's team provides these services at the Menlo Park office location.

Initial improvement should hopefully be seen in the first couple weeks of therapy. Because the goal of PRP therapy is to resolve pain through helping the body heal, it can prove to have lasting results after more treatments. Clinical practice and research studies see that after treatment many patients experience great results and return to their normal lives.

Call the office for more details, and to see if this option is appropriate for you.